Thanks to Kieran from F5 for his thoughts and experiences from the event
‘As a civvy heading to their Bootnecksin2Business event, you never quite know what to expect; being invited to some of the most incredible venues for a few wets with 100 Royal Marines sounds equal parts exciting and daunting to someone outside the community. However, never will you have been to a ‘business’ event like it; everyone is so welcoming, talkative, and keen to understand the value that you could bring to Bootnecks both in and out of service across the country.
This time, we were hosted by DWF Group on the 34 th floor of the Fenchurch (Walkie Talkie) building. As sponsors of the event, their presentation explained the work they do to incorporate service leavers, experienced veterans and CFAVs into their work – with an explanation of what their work actually involves at a fundamental level. Of course this varies from host to host, but with Bi2B counting sponsor such as Imperial War Museums UK among their backers, the content, and the venues are seldom dull!
As the presentation wraps up and gives way to the backdrop of London lit up at night, the relaxed networking of the evening begins. Catching up with old friends, making new connections, and introductions that can change a life is the name of the game. Founders of successful companies, decision makers in household names, entrepreneurs and creatives, all there under the united banner of the Royal Marines to share knowledge, help develop careers and celebrate each other’s successes, there are very few events like it.
The handful of hours don’t feel long enough, the evening flies by in the blink of an eye, trading stories, business cards and offers of support and even employment, you’ll feel welcome, wanted and a buzz (and not because of the drinks). The conversations then continue in the next venue, normally a quiet pub or bar that suddenly not so quiet as conversations continue, laughs fill the room, and eventually draw the evening a close. You leave with an overriding sense of pride to have shared an evening with such incredible people, each with their own incredible stories to tell, but more than that each with a shared passion “to help one another”.
The events the Bi2B team work tirelessly to put on are something special, if you’re a Bootneck looking to explore your long term career options, or you’re looking to get more Bootnecks into your team – it’s unmissable.’
Written by: Kieran Gale, Managing Consultant.